Blonde, Medium, Bold

Found this on the Starbucks marquee in the Seattle airport. Actually got to sleep pretty well the previous night so I was a “blonde” that day. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised Alaska Airlines offered free alcohol, I was loaded before we landed on this connection–but not groggy at all.

Seattle airport was so much better than the one in Portland where I connected on my way to middle-of-nowhere WA. Sub Pop had a store front there. The legendary indie label of Seattle grunge bands from the 90s has been reduced to a hipster boutique in the vein of Urban Outfitters. Innocuous like gluten free bread.

The First Starbucks in Pike Place Market

Picture I took of the birthplace of the global coffee franchise from four years ago, when I did an 11-day Northwest Amtrak train trip from Chicago to Seattle and back through Denver. I just had to get a cup of coffee there. Now that was bold!